Monday, June 29, 2009

Home sweet home

I'm back in Jackson and I haven't written in forever. I guess I'm going to keep this thing up even though I'm not traveling. Living in Jackson feels like a vacation so I'll keep you updated on my "not-so-real world."

Right when I got back to Jackson the weather was funky/rainy for about 10 days. My mom and Virgil happened to plan their trip to Jackson within those 10 ugly days but that didn't stop us from having a BLAST! We still hiked in the Teton National Park, tried multiple different types of margaritas from all my favorite restaurants, shopped the galleries, went white water rafting in the freezing cold rain, and they even hiked up Snow king!!! We laughed the whole time and it was great finally meeting Virgil!

The weather finally took a U-turn and it has been beautiful every day, all day, until 10pm. That's how long is stays light! I get out of work at 3pm and still have 7 hours of daylight! Sometimes I wish summers would last forever.

For those of you who don't know I am training for a triathlon at the end of August, so I have started back at Mountain Athletes (I currently feel like my hamstrings are detached from my femur). I have been swimming, running, and biking on my new road bike like a maniac! The triathlon is in Park City, Utah (one week before Burning Man) soooo Terri and I are starting our road trip to Burning man one week early. After the tri we will head down to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. Since we are way down there, might as well swing by Vegas and then make our way up to Burning man in northwestern Nevada!

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