Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One night in Huanchaco beach

I finally made it to the beach! We are in a small fishing/surf town outside of Trujillo. It´s a sleepy town which is exactly what I needed after the stomach issues. Our overnight bus was incredible. We splurged since I was feeling ill and Prat has a pinched nerve in his neck, we took the first class Cruz del Sur bus with huge leather seats that lean way back. It was niiiice! We met a guy named Jason (36 year old elementary teacher) who we shared a taxi from Trujillo to Huanchaco. He is staying at our hotel also and has been traveling for a year.

I took a 3 hour nap listening to the waves crashing right outside our hotel. After the siesta we walked WAAAY down the beach and back. It is foggy/misty/moist feeling but when you look down the beach and can´t see where it will take you it´s kinda spooky but misterious in a whimsical way. It reminds me of a Danielel Steel book cover. I took a picture of a fisherman in his undies where it´s all misty around and you can´t really see where the beach ends and the sky begins... great photo! We walked for hours. The fog finally burned off close to sunset time and the sun peeked through for about an hour just in time to light the sky on fire. It was perfect! Couples dotted the beach and lined the sea walls for as far as you could see.

So today we are going to Trujillo to try and jump on a bus to Mancora. Mancora is supposed to be a gorgeous sunny beach year round. It´s close to the Ecuador border. Today is the half way mark of the trip! It´s true... time flies when you´re having fun.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful adventure so far! Thank you so much for posting a blog about it and keeping up on it so well! (Glad you made a mention about Scout that is how I found your blog, Grandpa was holding out on me) I won't waste any more of your adventure time but I am excited to see all the pics when you get home and I truly am on the edge of my seat everyday when I open up your blog to see what the new adventure of the day will be. I may rethink becoming a teacher if you get the chance to travel the world for a year while doing it! Give Prati a hug and I am thinking of you. Love Uncle Pax

  2. Uncle pax!!! I´m happy your are enjoying the blog! It has been fun writing it! It´s interesting because i keep a pretty detailed journal and then i write this blog too. My journal serves as a draft for my blog. We have been having sooo much fun it´s rediculous! I would definitely concider traveling the world for a year :) That would be a dream. Until then I will just have to take 4-8 weeks at a time when I can get it. You are becoming a teacher??? That sounds awesome. We just hung out with a guy named jason that took a years leave of absence to travel around the world. He has two months left! Very cool guy!
