Friday, May 15, 2009


There have been two instances already on this trip when I smelled something that completely brought me back to a specific place in my life and it´s almost as if I was there again. The first time was when I smelled my old Gucci perfume (that sounds funny and so not like me but anyway...) that I only wore when I lived in St. John five years ago. I smelled that smell and it was the craziest feeling in the world. I couldn´t stop smelling it!!! It struck a spot in my brain that made me feel like I was in St. John again (walking by the ocean in a lightweight dress with palm trees blowing and Reggae music in the background with a beer in one hand and mosquito spray in the other) BUT I was in the airport. That was the first wild smelly incident.

The second time was when I walked into our hotel in Arequipa and it smelled EXACTLY like my old middle school friend´s house (Anarupa Nanda). I haven´t been to her house in 15 years and we just recently reconnected via facebook, but I´m telling you... I walked in the room and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I WAS IN ANU´S HOUSE again. Weird, I know.

This whole smelling story has a point. I am sitting here at this computer trying to sort through the MASSIVE amount of awesome information I want to share with you guys from the last four days and all I can think about is how bad I smell. Seriously, I didn´t know I could possibly smell this bad. Maybe it´s someone else. No, it´s definitely me. I think from now on when I smell the smell of dirty socks and really bad body odor it won´t be so bad because it will take me back to my four day jungle trek to Machupicchu!!! So bring on the BO, I want to remember this place FOREVER!!!!

More awesome stories of the jungle trek to come!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about smells. (God knows I do during the sweltering summers here in Tucson ... gonna have to run to Forrest's and dive in the pool!) Smells are the best way I connect with my past also! I can get the faintest wiff of something and it is almost like a movie how my surroundings almost change to that very moment and place in time. (I am suddenly standing in Hawaii at 10 years old on a cool evening with a piece of mochi in my hand and the faint smell of firecrackers on New Years Eve. I can almost feel the breeze from the ocean and then ... WHAM!...I am in Target and just happened to walk by the fans! But I was "there" for just a moment ... and it was worth it!
