Monday, May 11, 2009

Some things I have noticed

1. The homeless Peruvian dogs look both ways before they cross the street! I cannot tell you how many dogs I worry about because they are carrying bags of trash around or they look like they want to fight me for no reason, but I mostly worry about them getting hit by cars. But they DONT! Every time I see a dog go into the street he/she looks both ways before going out there. I am even nervous to cross the street! It´s amazing! They also always walk on sidewalks...
2. All women have long hair. I haven´t seen ONE woman with short hair.
3. What I like to call the ¨snack shacks¨ have the SAME exact food. They have candy bars, cheese, bread, cokes, crackers, oranges, water, and chips. That´s it!
4. No one speaks english to me. It must be my rediculously bronze skin that makes me blend in here!
5. You have to pay to use the restroom and if you don´t you better bring your own tp

I´ll just write 5 for now... I will add more later

1 comment:

  1. Cool observations. I wish the dogs of french polynesia would look both ways...they don't and it shows. Also no sidewalks. Watched a dog in Venice Beach walk into a pole once! He should not have been looking right or left, but straight was incredibly funny, but not for the dog. I've noticed the short hair thing before as well in quite a few countries, it does stand out when we come from the US or Europe.
    Nice Blog! Fun reading and traveling vicariously through you!
